What is IGCSE?

High School in India is completed when a set of board exams are passed. These exams are available through different boards ranging in difficulty and content. Some examples are Karnataka state board, CBSE, ICSE, and NIOS. The University of Cambridge offers the International General Certificate Secondary Education qualification (IGCSE) as international equivalent of India’s Grade 10 board exams. The IGCSE coursework are competitive high school completion courses and our goal for students enrolled in Grade 9-10 is to achieve at the highest level.

TLCi offers the IGCSE exam qualifications through the Cambridge International Education (CIE) board. A minimum of 7 subjects should be taken as it prepares students for the next level of their college and career aspirations. Each subject is chosen by the student and consists of 1-3 exams based on subject. Based on the recommendation of TLCi, the student can take all exams within a subject in one sitting or in different exam series.

The IGCSE qualification is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities. Our graduates reach the next level of maturity as they prepare to go to colleges and universities in India and around the world.

For more information, you can visit the Cambridge International website:

How will TLCi help me prepare for my IGCSEs exam?

Our trained and qualified teaching staff have experience teaching in college level classes. Our teachers also mentor students from Grade 8 onwards They understand the transitions each student needs to take at each milestone.

From Grade 8, we begin the content and preparation with the IGCSE textbooks and strategies. The same textbook and portions are covered in Grade 9 and Grade 10, and so the entire two year program can be understood as one course. By the end of Grade 9, the students have completed 80% of portions and so exam preparation begins. Grade 10 is a concerted effort in exam practice and preparation.

Carefully designed assessments allow teachers to understand the areas of needed improvement and tailor the bridge program for each student. Small classroom sizes allow teachers to work very closely with each student as the close the gaps in their understanding and preparation.

The High School team which includes the High School Counselor/VP and Principal are directly involved in the progress of each student. We ensure that every child clears the exams and achieves the marks they hope for.

What options do I have?

The University of Cambridge offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education qualification (IGCSE) as international equivalent of India’s Grade 10 board exams. Typically, our students will select subjects which are in line with their college and career aspirations. A minimum of 7 subjects are required to ensure a broad scope of study to enable better opportunity later on in their career. The following subjects are offered for study by the students at TLCi to qualify for the IGCSE course. 

Independent Study options can be viewed on the Cambridge website:

Electives are available in two options, teacher-facilitated and independent study. Teacher-facilitated are the subjects in which we have a teacher specializing in the subject. Independent study is a plan in which the study is responsible for the content and preparation, and the school provides a mentor teacher to ensure the student plans their preparation and is held accountable.

Teacher-facilitated subjects: 

The IGCSE is a two year coursework beginning in grade 9 and  ending at grade 10 board exam.

How do I complete my IGCSE?

Our IGCSE completion requirement is 7 subject exams of which the core subjects are required. Language is optional depending on the students college and career plans. As mentioned, the exams can be taken across multiple series given the options made available by the board and the college options desired.

Contact our admissions office for more details on our IGCSE program.