What is IAL?

The University of Cambridge offers the International Advanced Level qualification (IAL) as the next step in a student’s education after IGCSE (Grade 10 in India). The IALs are competitive pre-university courses and our goal for students enrolled in AS (Grade 11) and A2 (Grade 12) classes is to be college ready.

TLCi offers the IAL exam qualification through the Cambridge International Education (CIE) board. Each subject is chosen by the student and consists of 3-5 exams based on subject. Based on the recommendation of TLCi, the student can take all exams within a subject in one sitting or in different exam series.

The IGCSE qualification is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities. The IAL qualification is not only a learning experience but a confidence building step in the growth and career of the student. Our graduates reach the next level of maturity as they prepare to go to colleges and universities in India and around the world.

TLCi offers the IGCSE exam qualifications through the Cambridge International Education (CIE) board. A minimum of 7 subjects should be taken as it prepares students for the next level of their college and career aspirations. Each subject is chosen by the student and consists of 1-3 exams based on subject. Based on the recommendation of TLCi, the student can take all exams within a subject in one sitting or in different exam series.

The IGCSE qualification is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities. Our graduates reach the next level of maturity as they prepare to go to colleges and universities in India and around the world.

For more information, you can visit the Cambridge International website:

How will TLCi help me prepare for my IAL exams?

Our trained and qualified teaching staff have experience teaching in college level classes. Our teachers also mentor students from Grade 8 onwards They understand the transitions each student needs to take at each milestone.

Following the IGCSE exams (Grade 10), students go through a 4 week bridge course which the teachers have created in order to prepare students for the next level study skills and content understanding. Carefully designed assessments allow teachers to understand the areas of needed improvement and tailor the bridge program for each student.

Throughout the IAL experience, teachers and students communicate in class and outside class hours in order to help students embrace a life style of learning.

What options do I have?

Typically, our students will select subjects which are in line with their college and career aspirations.

TLCi currently offers: 

Students select a minimum of 3-5 subjects to focus their efforts. Our High School Guidance Counselor and Leadership team will guide students and parents in this process.

How do I complete my IALs and graduate?

Our graduation requirement is a completion of a minimum of 3 IAL subjects in which one must be English.

Several of our students apply to colleges internationally. Based on these choices, the subject and exam completion plans are selected with the mentoring of our guidance counselors who are uniquely qualified to advise students with navigating the arduous applications processes.

Contact our admissions office for more details on our IALs program.